Re-Humanizing Ourselves

Chris Searles/BioIntegrity
2 min readMay 30, 2022


How do we heal… everyone?

Photo by Ryan Price from his recent piece, Contemplating Dominion.

Hello Friends — In light of the shootings, and the fact that the events of Uvalde and Buffalo are just the tip of the iceberg, relative to the amount of suffering people are experiencing and carrying today…

I’d like to offer these ideas.

On kinship, from Prof. Robin Wall Kimmerer, shared by a friend/mentor and supporter, Linda Thompson:

“The breath of plants gives life to animals and the breath of animals gives life to plants. My breath is your breath, your breath is mine. It’s the great poem of give and take, of reciprocity that animates the world. The very facts of the world are a poem.”

“The concept of life and its relations was humanizing and gave the Lakota an abiding love. It filled (Chief Luther Standing Bear’s) being with the joy and mystery of living; it gave him reverence for all life; it made a place for all things in the scheme of existence, with equal importance to all.”

Re-Humanize Yourself

There is so much we can do — RIGHT NOW — to make the world a better place just by engaging in the miracle of life we all share and endeavoring to advance beyond a humanity that values material wealth over all else.

Every human suffers.

Every human is capable of un-speakable acts.

And yet,

The very facts of our lives are a poem.

We’ve forgotten that. We built civilization without that. It’s time to connect that.

Imagine living in a world that understands we are each miracles, scientifically-speaking, surrounded by and dependent on other miracles. Wouldn’t that help us heal our alienations and insanities, and wouldn’t a healthy world be safer for us and our kids?




Learn more about Robin Wall Kimmerer’s breakthrough book, Braiding Sweetgrass, on the Native American view of environmental care. Take a moment and read Linda Thompson’s short articles exploring her sense of strong, religious connections to Braiding Sweetgrass:

Thanks for reading.

Here’s a science video (from me) on the power of this kinship as our climate security, economic stabilization and extinction crisis solution. Here are the slides + from that presentation.

Here’s an abbreviated video on the climate solution piece only.

Lots more research on the value of our kinship to other life in BioIntegrity’s educational series, The Value of Biosphere Earth.

Help protect Tropical Forests!

