The Really REALLY Important Climate Solution

Chris Searles/BioIntegrity
1 min readApr 18, 2021


I am happy with this presentation, thank you Nerd Nite Austin.

Click here to view.

I talk about how — according to the science, our way of life will destroy our life support system within less than 20 years — however, the good news is: addressing the physicality of today’s insane life support system collapse crisis is our biggest climate solution. Win, Win, you might say.

Restore wilderness integrity.

The urgency and opportunities are incaluable.

I cover:

  • Earth’s bio-physical infrastructure (wilderness)
  • How our life support is put together and how it works today
  • How much $ our life support system is worth
  • Wicked problems that are not climate change
  • The wicked solution: “The sponge”
  • Vital organ ecosystems
  • Top 5 “most wicked” climate solutions
  • Protect, Regrow, Transform: The 5th Industrial Revolution
  • Really REALLY important actions you can afford

Thanks also to Carolyn Melendez for making this connection.

Click here to view: The Really REALLY Important Climate Solution.

